當(dāng)前位置:華圖網(wǎng)校 > 上海 > 招考資訊 >2014年11月上海溫哥華電影學(xué)院招聘IT人員公告


A+ A- 2014-11-20 10:04  |  上海人事考試網(wǎng)  |  責(zé)編:葉小潔 評(píng)論 點(diǎn)擊收藏



  上海溫哥華電影學(xué)院為上海大學(xué)與加拿大溫哥華電影學(xué)院合作成立的民辦非企業(yè)獨(dú)立法人單位,擬聘兩名IT專業(yè)技術(shù)人員,優(yōu)先面向上海大學(xué)校內(nèi)員工(校內(nèi)員工 保留上海大學(xué)編制,校外應(yīng)聘者僅與本院簽訂勞務(wù)合同,不進(jìn)入上海大學(xué)編制),請(qǐng)有意者將簡(jiǎn)歷發(fā)送至shvfs@oa.shu.edu.cn.



  • Maintaining the current network and systems infrastructure and policies

  • Developing, implementing and maintaining policies,, procedures and associated training plans for network resource administration, appropriate use, and disaster recovery

  • Conducting research on network products, services, protocols, and standards in support of network procurement and development efforts

  • Managing servers, including e-mail, print and backup servers and their associated operating systems and software

  • Managing and maintaining security solutions, including firewall, anti-virus and intrusion detection systems

  • Managing all network hardware and equipment, including switches, firewall, VPN, and patch panels

  • Daily server administration and troubleshooting of Microsoft Active Directory based networked environment including all supporting components such as GPO, DNS, IIS, DHCP, WUS, Site replication, etc.

  • Providing network administration and troubleshooting of an Exchange 2010 Email environment

  • Continuously looking for solution on improving availability and design of existing systems

  • Maintaining data communication and connection solutions, including LAN & VPN

  • Performing server and security audits

  • Maintaining test, development and production servers for various applications and systems

  • Performing system backups and recovery

  • Planning, testing, and integrating hardware or software implementations into the network. Integrating into a server virtualization environment

  • Creating and maintaining documentation as it relates to system configuration, mapping, processes, and service records

  • Planning, acquiring, and coordinating installation of in-house and remote hardware and software across the organization’s network

  • Following and maintaining change management procedures

  • Other duties as assigned by the IT Team Lead and/or Senior Network & Systems Administrator


  • 計(jì)算機(jī)或者信息技術(shù)相關(guān)專業(yè),大學(xué)本科以上或者3年以上相關(guān)工作經(jīng)歷

  • 掌握VMware和Microsoft Server技術(shù)

  • 熟悉Windows Server, SQL Server, SharePoint, Exchange, Routers, Switches和Firewall

  • 極強(qiáng)的分析和解決問(wèn)題的能力;學(xué)習(xí)能力強(qiáng),較好的溝通和協(xié)作能力,具備良好的服務(wù)意識(shí)

  • 在安裝,升級(jí)和維護(hù)服務(wù)器,以及關(guān)聯(lián)操作系統(tǒng)方面擁有豐富的經(jīng)驗(yàn)

  • 具有良好的英語(yǔ)能力(聽(tīng)說(shuō)讀寫)

  崗位二:IT 部門——桌面技術(shù)員


  • Communicate and become actively involved in all areas of desktop support with your team members; therefore the ability to communicate and articulate the day to day challenges effectively is an absolute requirement

  • Provide professional, well-mannered and reliable desktop support for all staff and students

  • Advanced experience in PC/Mac imaging & deployment. Must have a good understanding and workflow (QA) for creating gold images

  • Responsible for troubleshooting and maintaining both hardware and software, working closely with your team members to help solve the day to day challenges

  • Strong Cable management, inventory and asset management experience is required

  • Communicate effectively with stakeholders from all departments on a regular basis to help establish processes, identify needs and accommodate IT related requests for all new team intakes

  • Work with System/Administrators as required


  • 深度了解Mac以及Windows的操作系統(tǒng)

  • 在圖像/管理軟件解決方案(Ghost, KACE) 方面有一定的經(jīng)驗(yàn)

  • 針對(duì)硬件和軟件方面有極強(qiáng)的解決問(wèn)題的能力

  • 計(jì)算機(jī)或者信息技術(shù)相關(guān)專業(yè),大學(xué)本科以上

  • 至少三年的工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)(熟悉掌握Mac OSX, MS Windows, MS Office和硬件支持)

  • 較好的人際溝通和組織能力;團(tuán)隊(duì)合作精神;具備良好的服務(wù)意識(shí),并能應(yīng)對(duì)各種狀況

  • 具備良好的專業(yè)素養(yǎng)

  • 具有良好的英語(yǔ)能力(聽(tīng)說(shuō)讀寫)

  • 理想的候選人需熟悉以下軟件:Maya, Pro Tools, Adobe CS5, Adobe Effects, Flash, Softimage, 3D Studio Max, Unreal Editor, UDK

課程名稱 科目 授課老師 課時(shí) 原價(jià) 優(yōu)惠價(jià) 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買
《綜合應(yīng)用能力》基礎(chǔ)精講班 綜合應(yīng)用能力 陳大亨 10 ¥580 ¥390 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買
《基本素質(zhì)測(cè)驗(yàn)》基礎(chǔ)精講班 基本素質(zhì)測(cè)驗(yàn) 李虹、許波、張慧琴、程遠(yuǎn)杰 50 ¥1680 ¥1290 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買
公共基礎(chǔ)+教育綜合 公共基礎(chǔ)+教育綜合 李夢(mèng)嬌、冀芳等 91 ¥2020 ¥1380 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買
教育綜合知識(shí)(幼兒園) 教育綜合知識(shí) 華圖資深老師 22 ¥700 ¥600 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買
教育綜合知識(shí)(中小學(xué)) 教育綜合知識(shí) 石楊平、翼芳 39 ¥1240 ¥880 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買
教育學(xué)+心理學(xué)基礎(chǔ)精講班 教育+心理 石楊平、翼芳 23 ¥760 ¥700 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買
課程名稱 科目 授課老師 課時(shí) 原價(jià) 優(yōu)惠價(jià) 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買
面試協(xié)議過(guò)關(guān)班 面試 華圖資深教師 56 ¥9800 ¥9800 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買
1對(duì)1個(gè)性化定制 面試 華圖名師 8 ¥3000 ¥3000 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買
16課時(shí)面試1對(duì)1 面試 華圖資深老師 16 ¥3690 ¥1980 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買
25課時(shí)面試1對(duì)1 面試 華圖資深老師 25 ¥5680 ¥2980 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買
34課時(shí)面試1對(duì)1 面試 華圖資深老師 34 ¥7670 ¥3980 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買
結(jié)構(gòu)化面試3天速成班 面試 華圖資深老師 14 ¥1280 ¥870 試聽(tīng) 購(gòu)買

