當(dāng)前位置:華圖網(wǎng)校 > 廣東 > 招考資訊 >2015中國科學(xué)院廣州生物醫(yī)藥與健康研究院藥物開發(fā)體系項(xiàng)目招聘3名化學(xué)類科研


A+ A- 2015-03-04 17:04  |  廣東人事考試網(wǎng)  |  責(zé)編:葉小潔 評(píng)論 點(diǎn)擊收藏








  1、Contribute to hit validation, hits to lead chemistry and lead optimization to identify drugs demonstrating appropriate pharmaceutical properties and efficacy in disease models.

  2、 Analyze assay and pharmacokinetic data to design and synthesize target compounds.

  3、Prepare verbal or written reports as required

  Medicinal Chemist

  The Drug Discovery Pipeline (DDP) is a fully integrated drug discovery unit based within a world class life sciences research environment. Its purpose is to validate novel drug targets across a range of therapeutics areas. The DDP operates under a “project” centric versus a PI “centric” system. The project goals range from making quality leads, demonstrating disease model proof of concept, through to pre-clinical candidates.

  We are looking for highly motivated medicinal chemists with a BSc or MSc in synthetic organic or medicinal chemistry. You will ideally have experience in the BioPharma industry. The positions will be primarily laboratory-based, and will work on areas from hit validation through to lead optimization. You will be involved in the design and synthesis of lead compounds, to identify leads demonstrating appropriate pharmaceutical properties and efficacy in disease models.


課程名稱 科目 授課老師 課時(shí) 原價(jià) 優(yōu)惠價(jià) 試聽 購買
公共基礎(chǔ)+教育綜合 公共基礎(chǔ)+教育綜合 李夢(mèng)嬌、冀芳等 91 ¥2020 ¥1380 試聽 購買
教育綜合知識(shí)(幼兒園) 教育綜合知識(shí) 華圖資深老師 22 ¥700 ¥600 試聽 購買
教育綜合知識(shí)(中小學(xué)) 教育綜合知識(shí) 石楊平、翼芳 39 ¥1240 ¥880 試聽 購買
教育學(xué)+心理學(xué)基礎(chǔ)精講班 教育+心理 石楊平、翼芳 23 ¥760 ¥700 試聽 購買
教育學(xué)+教育心理學(xué) 教育綜合知識(shí) 石楊平、翼芳 31 ¥960 ¥780 試聽 購買
事業(yè)單位考試公基+申論基礎(chǔ)班聯(lián)報(bào) 公基+申論 羅紅軍、盧璟 54 ¥1460 ¥1180 試聽 購買
課程名稱 科目 授課老師 課時(shí) 原價(jià) 優(yōu)惠價(jià) 試聽 購買
3天考前突擊班 面試 蘇海倫、宋麗超、車春藝 25 ¥3480 ¥1980 試聽 購買
5天技巧速成班(結(jié)構(gòu)化) 面試 蘇海倫、宋麗超、車春藝 43 ¥6090 ¥2880 試聽 購買
5天技巧速成班(無領(lǐng)導(dǎo)) 面試 王寶平 45 ¥6290 ¥2980 試聽 購買
7天高分通關(guān)班 面試 蘇海倫、宋麗超、車春藝 57 ¥8380 ¥3680 試聽 購買
9天成公必過班 面試 蘇海倫、宋麗超、車春藝 61 ¥10200 ¥4980 試聽 購買
專崗專訓(xùn)翻盤協(xié)議班 面試 蘇海倫、車春藝、宋麗超、 79 ¥17320 ¥9800 試聽 購買

